I wanted to make Mason a flashcard/picture book with images that relate to his life...A lot of the books will say "mom" but then it has a picture of some random woman. I found a couple cute ideas...then I looked around the house to see what I had...here's what I came up with.
-Ziploc bags (I bought a brand of these, but they make the food taste weird so I was trying to figure out what to do with them) Ziploc bags are good because at this age, Mason is putting everything in his mouth...Ziploc bags will keep the paper dry!
-Construction Paper (or any scrap paper you may have)
-A Marker
-Rubber Cement (You can use glue/tape/or whatever you have)
-Pictures....I had banners from KinderMusik so I cut the animals out to make an animal book. Then I have one with different plants that I am going to use for a color book. Then I am using copies of pictures I have for dad, mom, grandparents, maci dog for the people book. I have found pictures of different body parts from an old anatomy book. Heath did print a few images for me (like ball, car) that I couldn't find in magazines at our house.
So I have easily made 4 books....at no cost, just using stuff at the house! I am currently working on these books. I just have to actually put all the "Ziploc pages" together to make a book! I will take pictures of the finished products.
You are so smart! AND a good mommy.. I was thinking that maybe you have chosen the wrong career choice (pharmacy) and should really look into Early Childhood. You have such a natural itch for this area! I like these flashcards, even for Eli. He loves the way plastic bags sound! SO I think I am going to make some for him and AJ.....